For many years, Cambodia health sector has been developed to a new era. With growing economic, and increase standard of living with freedom of choices, Cambodian travel far to find their trusted medical science land, as far as to U.S.A, Europe, and as close as Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam. Japan Health Science is far more developed, and it is time now to bring to Cambodian another choice they always trust.
Our mission is focusing on bringing our patients hopes for their treatment, and professional guidance they can rely not 100%. Besides bringing them to Japan for their check up, consultation, and treatment, we are now moving closer by building our own facility here in the heart of the country. J&C Hospital will be built in Phnom Penh, and ready to operate in 2024, capable of 200+ beds, emergency room, specialized in cancer treatment and checkup with the latest technology MRI, and CT Scanner.
私たちのMISSIONは、患者さんに治療への希望と、100%信頼できる専門的な指導を提供することです。カンボジアの患者さんを日本で診察や治療を受けていただくだけでなく、カンボジの中心部に独自の施設を建設することで、より身近な存在になることを目指しています。J&C Hospital は200床以上のベッド、救急室、最新技術のMRIやCTを備え、がん治療や検診に特化した施設を首都のプノンペン建設し、2024年の開業を予定しています。